Testimonial for Kennedy Higgins CD(DONA) Encapsulation Photography Herbalist

I can't begin to say how happy my husband and I were to have Kennedy as our doula. This was our first child so we weren't sure what to expect during the whole process; looking back on it I know that everything was better having her there. She was the perfect balance of energy and calm and knew when both were needed. She was my voice to the doctors and nurses when I needed an advocate and my companion when my husband needed a break. She was there to coach me so my husband could be there to comfort me. We can't thank her enough for being what we needed during delivery. 

All of that neglects to say that the visits we had with Kennedy before and after were so useful and helpful. Going over positioning and what to expect in our meeting before birth were so useful. It made me feel confident when things got going during delivery that I wasn't going in blind. 

After delivery I was so thankful for our first meeting where we got to debrief the birth. I had forgotten so much of what happened and I didn't realize until after we met how much I needed to process the birth of our son. The second meeting where Kennedy looked after our son for four hours so we could get some much needed rest was so useful we've had her come back for multiple sessions since. Sometimes not being with our son is scary for me, but I felt so comfortable having Kennedy care for him. 

While it's not happening any time soon, whenever we get to having baby #2 we'll be making sure that Kennedy is there with us. Thank you Kennedy for everything!

-Leah Bueing

January 27, 2023

a photo from Kennedy Higgins CD(DONA) Encapsulation Photography Herbalist

Birth Fee: $1800 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $50


Updated 2/25/2025

Birth Fee: $1800 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 2/25/2025

Certified Doula
Years in practice