Testimonial for Alice Arden

Definitely recommend hiring a doula for postpartum and Alice is fantastic!

I am so glad I decided to hire a doula for my postpartum period. I’m a young mom (this was my first kid) and had a relatively easy pregnancy and birth, biggest complication was a 2nd degree tear! I was on the fence about getting a doula for postpartum but ultimately decided to give it a go and never regretted it once!

I have a history with mental health struggles and having Alice there to bounce thoughts off of was so worth it, especially when my fiance went back to work shortly after our baby was born. Instead of getting caught up in anxiety and second guessing myself like I usually do Alice really listened to me and never just waved off my concerns not matter how small they were. He always provided honest but still compassionate answers and was always ready with extra resources. Even between visits I felt comfortable reaching out if I was ever unsure of something.

Due to COVID we decided to do some virtual visits also. Obviously, you don’t get the physical support with chores around the house or being able to grab a nap etc, but I still recommend them if in-person isn’t an option for you. Alice guided that time just enough to give it structure and still be practical while giving me and my fiance, when he was there, enough space to get our needs met.

I really felt Alice went above and beyond what I was expecting. He not only helped us in the moment of postpartum but really supported us in figuring out the parents we wanted to be. Our baby is almost 9 months now and we are still using advice and resources Alice gave us months ago. We definitely want to have more kids and will 100% be hiring Alice again if possible.

-Laura Hodge

May 18, 2022

a photo from Alice  Arden

Alice Arden

Alice Arden doula services

Birth Fee: $0 to $2400

Postpartum Rate: $0 to $75


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $0 to $2400

Postpartum Rate: $0 to $75


Years on DoulaMatch


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Years in practice