Angela's support was invaluable to my motherhood journey. I'm still so sad she couldn't join at the hospital due to Covid restrictions, but her postpartum care sessions were essential. I wouldn't have been able to nurse my son if she hadn't sat with me for hours to teach me and support me. The first week of my son's life I couldn't get a latch and was pumping full-time. After working with Angela, we were able to figure out our nursing relationship and were able to stick with it for 10 months (teeth created a challenge after that!).
Her hands on support was an incredible confidence boost. She taught me how to use a Moby wrap and coached my partner and I through giving our son his first bath. Having a warm, loving guide helped us accomplish so much more (and with less frustration).
May 05, 2021
Inspire Doula Services
Birth Fee: $1800
Postpartum Rate: $40 to $45