She repeated some hypnobabies scripts to me, which reminded me to keep my body loose and limp. This contributed to a more comfortable labor. Leslie reminded the nurses and doctors of our wishes when I was too tired to do so myself (she reminded the doctor that I wanted the cord to finish pulsing before being cut, this was very important to me and I am not sure I would have remembered in the first moment of seeing my baby girl). After Avery was born, my husband left my side to be with the baby during her newborn procedures. Leslie stayed by my side and held my hand during one of the most uncomfortable parts of the birth, the stitches. Thinking back on my birth, I am very nostalgic. I never could have imagined that natural labor could be such a wonderful experience. I never thought I would "miss" my birth experience, but I do. I would do it again and again.
One thing many people say after giving birth is, "I couldn't have done it without my husband/doula/mother, etc." Leslie empowered me throughout my pregnancy and birthing time. She told me, YOU can do this. While I believe some care providers would like to be the hero of the birth, Leslie made me feel like I was the hero. I can't imagine a more perfect doula for my husband and me, and our sweet baby Avery. When we first met Leslie she was nothing more than a stranger to us, but she has become a part of our "family" forever. After all, she was present at the most sacred and important event in our lives.
-Meg McCarthy
July 18, 2012
Leslie C. Cuffee, Doula
Birth Fee: $1300