Testimonial for Brana Ninkov RN, MSN, CLEC, Birth Doula, BSN Nutrition

I am so thankful that Brana was a part of my pregnancy and birth journey. I began looking for a doula when I was diagnosed with intraheptic cholestasis of pregnancy at 33 wks. This meant I had to have an induction at 37 wks. While I had had a successful natural birth with my previous birth, I was very nervous about having an induction and felt I was going to need some extra support. To add to that, I was a surrogate for a friend and this was her first baby.
We felt a connection with Brana right away when we spoke to her on the phone. Since my friend and her spouse lived out of the area we had to do our pre-birth visits virtually, but that worked out great. Brana helped us understand what to expect with an induction and listened to how we hoped the birth would go. Together we developed a birth plan. Then the Coronavirus situation happened and everything changed. I was only allowed one person in the delivery room with me and Brana switched to virtual support. When we met again (still virtually), Brana showed my spouse and the baby’s parents different techniques to help comfort me and progress labor. 
On induction day, we set up a video conference for Brana and the spouses that couldn’t be in the delivery room. My friend and I texted and video chatted them off and on throughout the day and Brana gave us great advice. Then the pitocin kicked in hardcore and I needed a lot of support. Brana really stepped in. She encouraged me and made me feel like things were progressing and she gave my friend the tools and coaching to provide me with physical support. I honestly think I would have felt traumatized by the induction process had it not been for Brana there on the computer. Instead, I felt accomplished that I successfully birthed my dear friend’s baby without pain medication with an induction at 37 wks. I am beyond grateful to have had Brana’s guiding light to help me navigate this birth during this stressful time.

-Alicia Atkinson

April 02, 2020

a photo from Brana Ninkov RN, MSN, CLEC, Birth Doula, BSN Nutrition

Birth Fee: $4250 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $75 to $100


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $4250 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $75 to $100


Years on DoulaMatch


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Years in practice