Testimonial for Ravae Sinclair, JD, CLC, PBD(NBPP), PPD(NBPP),PCD(DONA)

I can't believe it's taken me so long to write this! I am so grateful to Ravae for being there for the birth of my second child, born on May 14th 2018 at GW. I went in at 38 weeks and my labor was fast and furious. At around 11:30pm I was just 3cm dilated but I really had a sense it was the real deal.

Ravae was coming straight from another (long) birth and had another client birthing at the same time as me a few rooms down. It must have been the moon or something, but all her clients seemed to be going into labor at the exact same time! Yet despite the sleep deprivation and tiredness she MUST have been experiencing, Ravae showed no signs of being phased at all. With barely a bite to eat and a Starbucks drink in her, she was right by my side and coaching me through a super intense birth. I went from 3cm to being ready to push in just a couple hours. I always thought a fast labor would be "easy" but I would take the longer labor I had with my first any day. It was just so intense and I had what felt like very little time to rest/recover between contractions.

Ravae was so calm, gentle and competent. She coached and guided me into different positions and applied pressure on my hips so expertly it would take my pain level down from what felt like a 10 to a bearable 6 or 7 during the most intense part of the contractions. I'm also really glad she was there because no one was expecting labor to go THAT fast and I am pretty sure we wouldn't even have gotten a midwife in the room on time had it not been for Ravae really listening to me and tuning into the fact that things were moving quickly and I was almost ready to push!

Ravae also showed so much kindness and compassion, checking in with us often when my son unexpectedly ended up in NICU. With no family in the area, it was just very comforting for my husband and I to have her for that additional emotional support.

Thank you Ravae!!

-R Costa

August 21, 2018

a photo from Ravae  Sinclair, JD, CLC, PBD(NBPP), PPD(NBPP),PCD(DONA)

Birth Fee: $1200 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $40


Updated 9/5/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/5/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice