Testimonial for Stacy Helm

I have sat down to write this several times. Every time I just stare at the computer screen because I am at a loss on how to fully communicate my gratitude to Stacy Helm for walking beside us during our pregnancy and birth journey.

I am a first time mom and the one thing I knew after we got pregnant is that I wanted a natural birth. I remained active, bounced on my yoga ball, did all the yoga classes, sought chiropractic care all so that we would have the smoothest labor possible. Stacy was always there to encourage, to answer questions, and to simply be the best support she could be.

In my perfect world, my water would break, my contractions would become stronger, we would call Stacy, and meet at the Mercy Birthing Center. That was not the case. Our son ended up being in the Posterior position, which caused back labor, my labor to start and stop instead of developing rhythmically, and my early labor to ultimately last about 96 hours. The last full day, I couldn't keep anything down, water or food. So instead of Stacy meeting us at the hospital, she came to our home.

Stacy helped me through contractions, and tried everything to get baby boy to spin. She was our rock and our sense of peace through out our labor. She guided my husband and gave a sense of security and empowerment. We were even able to have a natural birth when I thought I didn't have anything left to give. I credit it all to Stacy. Without her support, we would have thrown in the towel.

I would recommend Stacy Helm to ANYONE who is searching for a doula, ESPECIALLY first time mothers hoping for a natural birth. She will encourage you, empower, and guide you as little or as much as you would like. THANK YOU STACY FOR MAKING OUR STORY SO SPECIAL. We wouldn't have it any other way.

-Allie Crabbs

August 16, 2018

a photo from Stacy Helm

Stacy Helm

House of Helm

Birth Fee: $2100


Updated 12/3/2024

Birth Fee: $2100


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 12/3/2024

Years in practice