Testimonial for Laura Fortner, CD(DONA)

Where do I begin? I went into prenatal care and the birth planning process with the Dr. Elizabeth Newsom and Doula Laura Fortner powerhouse duo. How did I get so lucky? I am not even from this area and landed this deal ;-) At 41+ weeks pregnant, I finally went into labor! After Laura had been up for almost 40 hours in another birth, I called her letting her know around midnight I was headed to BUMC because of the frequent contractions and the possibility that this was finally labor. Laura was unsure if she could make it due to her lack of sleep. I felt so bad! About an hour after getting checked in to BUMC, she shows up to my delivery room with a big smile on her face. At that point I am just checked in and 5cm dilated and so thankful for her presence and great timing.

In my opinion, labor and delivery wouldn't have been so quick and productive without this doula. She pushed me to walk the halls, squat, lay on my side with the peanut ball, labor on the toilet in the dark bathroom, and even just swaying with my husband in the room alone. Oh yea... "Relax your face and shoulders, Natalie." I needed to hear that more than a few times. I wouldn’t have thought of these things without her. She knows what she’s doing, folks. Despite her sleep deprivation, she powered through all the way until baby was born 6 hours later. She even sent me pictures that she captured of us catching our baby. I received these a few hours after she had left into the next day and it was such a gift. We didn't have a birth photographer, so this is something we will always cherish. I love that she visited baby and I 2 weeks after the birth. I wish other cities had the resources of Dallas, TX. I unfortunately won't be living here long term, so this will be a sad thing to walk away from foro future labor and deliveries.

-Natalie V Doria

November 28, 2017

a photo from Laura Fortner, CD(DONA)

Laura Fortner, CD(DONA)

Voted Best Doula in Collin County

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