Testimonial for Dana Oakes-Sand AS, CCE, MCD, NMPP, IPES

Dana is so great! I found her through a fellow mama friend. We attended her birthing classes and they were awesome. In a way, I missed them when they were over. My husband and I learned so much. We decided to use Dana as our doula. Since I had never experienced birth before, I wanted someone who could really help me through it. Little did I know, my labor would last days (yes, days) and that I would really need the support! The night that my labor began, Dana was just leaving a birth 3 hours away! (She was supporting a friend through her labor.) But she didn't even think twice about driving straight to my house to be there for me. Once she arrived, she helped me labor at home and then at the birth center until midday. We had a feeling that my daughter's head wasn't in the right place because I was having back labor. So she helped me labor in "spinning babies" positions as long as I could stand them. Dana helped me stay focused by remembering to breathe and relax through contractions. She rubbed my back and applied counter pressure for the back labor. We sent Dana home to sleep since she was up all night with me and I was only at 3CM. For the next several hours, I tried putting into practice everything Dana had taught me in our birthing classes. I prayed through laboring and truly felt God tell me, "You can do this, just keep going". The next morning, Dana returned. She stayed with me for the next 14 hours as we waited for me to fully dilate. She put me back into spinning babies positions and even applied some pressure to my baby's head to encourage her to move. Right before I was about to push, I literally felt my baby's head move into place! Spinning babies worked and she was ready! Not long after that, I delivered my beautiful baby girl. It was not the labor I had desired or wished for, but she was born healthy and that's all that mattered! Dana was an amazing support and I highly recommend using her as your doula :)

-Jennifer Scott

October 20, 2016

a photo from Dana Oakes-Sand AS, CCE, MCD, NMPP, IPES

Birth Fee: $1200 to $2350

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $45


Updated 10/1/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $2350

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 10/1/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice