Testimonial for Ravae Sinclair, JD, CLC, PBD(NBPP), PPD(NBPP),PCD(DONA)

Our experience with Ravae Sinclair was nothing short of amazing. You're unlikely to find a more intuitive, knowledgeable, compassionate and understanding doula than Ravae. Having complex and somewhat fearful feelings around birth that I knew I needed to process and release it was important to me to have support. I could see from our very first meeting that Ravae had the skills and qualities I needed to help me through this process.

In our two prenatal meetings we discussed many things, my husbands role, how I wanted the birth to be, my issues around birth, and many other things. We went through the comprehensive questionnaire she had us fill out and discussed some of the things that came up from it. This helped my husband and I focus on our ideas around birth.

When the time came for the birth Ravae was incredible. In the beginning she was just finishing up another birth and sent a fantastic backup to be there with us. In a few hours she arrived at our house. She knew exactly what to do and say once she arrived and throughout my labor. My husband was an awesome support person but there was just something about having Ravae by my side that made me feel at ease. She rubbed my back and helped rock my hips during contractions. There were times in my very long labor that I hit the wall and didn't think I could take anymore, but Ravae helped me stay focused and get past those grueling moments. After 26 hours of labor, I delivered my daughter and I couldn't have done it without the support of Ravae.

After my delivery Ravae came over and met with us to follow up and work on my post-partum plan, which made me feel grounded again. She even made me some delicious lactation cookies and brought my daughter a gift. She still checks up on us from time to time, and I will never forget Ravae. I would recommend Ravae to anyone. You will be lucky to have her on your birth team. She knows her work.

-Elizabeth Lee

January 20, 2015

a photo from Ravae  Sinclair, JD, CLC, PBD(NBPP), PPD(NBPP),PCD(DONA)

Birth Fee: $1200 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $40


Updated 9/5/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/5/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice