Testimonial for Diksha Berebitsky

I was so fortunate to have found Diksha! I was put on bed rest for the last 8 weeks of my pregnancy and I needed a doula that could support me during this time. She helped tremendously by caring for my 2 year old son who developed a bond with Diksha and her children. She also brought me wonderful birthing books and videos. The video "Birth as We Know It" inspired and empowered me and was exactly what I needed to watch in order to have my water birth. I had a dream of a birth and Diksha was instrumental in making that happen. My water broke at midnight and I immediately went into labor. I called Diksha on the way to the hospital and she arrived within minutes after us. I forgot our camera but Diksha had brought hers and took photos. While I was in labor she stayed present with me massaging my back and knowing exactly what to say to help my body relax and transform the intense energy of my contractions into feelings of bliss. After my daughter my born she suggested that we move the baby warmer over to me so that I could continue to hold my daughter skin to skin. I would not have thought to ask the nurse if we could do this but Diksha made it possible. At one point I became dizzy and felt like I might pass out and Diksha gave me honey sticks, which immediately revived me. Before saying goodbye she left me with food, liquid peppermint (in case I felt dizzy again) and some tea lights to create a warm and magical ambiance in our room. When I returned home I had an array of beautiful gifts waiting for me. She encapsulated my placenta and dried part of my daughter's ambilical cord and placed it in a lovely box. I took the capsules and noticed a significant difference in my mood and energy level as compared to the birth of my son. Diksha embodies all the qualities I was looking for in a doula. She is thoughtful, caring and compassionate and was always there to help with anything I needed.




-marissa cacciari-roy

September 16, 2010

a photo from Diksha Berebitsky

Diksha Berebitsky

Blissful Birth Initiations

Birth Fee: $1800 to $2500


Updated 3/3/2025

Birth Fee: $1800 to $2500


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 3/3/2025

Certified Doula
Years in practice