Heather was an incredible asset to my birthing team. She is so knowledgeable and keeps up on all the latest research. She knows everything there is to know about pregnancy and birthing and is happy to tell you fact from fiction. Having been a midwife for many years before becoming a doula, she's had the unique experience of being both a provider and deliver babies and also as a support via her role as doula. This combination experience, makes for one strong advocate for you and your baby! Heather was available and easily accessible during my pregnancy for any pregnancy related questions that I wanted to run by her and when she showed up on the scene when I was in labor, it was an INCREDIBLE difference to the efficiency and quality of my experience. She is fully supportive of however you want to experience your labor, medicated or unmedicated. There is no judgement but she will be right there with you each step of the way. I chose unmedicated and having Heather with us supported me in easefully reaching my goals. She listens to what you most want out of your experience and will work to provide you with that. She is an incredible support to all, including husbanads/partners. Babies and birthing are her life and it is clear from all her extensive knowledge and experience that you couldn't have a better doula than Heather.
-Beth Kronfeld
December 11, 2014
312Doulas & HMbirth.com *Labor*PP*Placenta*Classes
Birth Fee: $1500 to $2600
Postpartum Rate: $25 to $45