Testimonial for Christine Halldorson, CD (DTI), CBE

As my husband and I grew with excitement expecting our first child, we knew that we wanted support to help us through the labor/birth process. When meeting Christine I got an overall feeling that she was very knowledgeable and knew that the pregnancy and birth process was special and unique to each mother experiencing it. While pregnant Christine was always checking in, answering any questions that I had about my pregnancy and birth preparation. When my water broke, Christine was in constant contact and support and joined me at home to support me through my surges and allowed me to labor at home until it was necessary to go to the hospital. Having her at my home really allowed me to stay stress free of wondering when it was the ‘right’ time to go to the hospital. When we go to the hospital, Christine was wonderful in creating a calming atmosphere in my room by dimming the lights and using her essential oil diffuser. As the surges continued and became more intense, there were many times that I did not know if I could continue to handle them. She was always there to encourage and help me see the big picture of what I was working so hard for…my beautiful son. After 22 hours of labor, I gave birth naturally to my son Jase. After giving birth I felt a huge sense of pride, relief, and extreme thankfulness for having such a wonderful support system. I owe this to not just my husband, but Christine as well. Christine’s support continued postpartum as well. She did a fabulous job encapsulating my placenta, which helped tremendously in the first few weeks postpartum. She also helped with postpartum support with things like resources for lactation consultants and oral surgeons for my son’s tongue-tie. I felt that she was truly invested in my well being through my entire pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. She really exceeded any/all expectations I had. Any client would be lucky to have Christine as their doula. ?

-Lindsay Amato

November 10, 2014

a photo from Christine Halldorson, CD (DTI), CBE

Christine Halldorson, CD (DTI), CBE

Seeds of Life Birth Services

Birth Fee: $1300 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $50


Updated 9/6/2024

Birth Fee: $1300 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/6/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice