Testimonial for Jenn Edmonds

This woman is an absolute godsend. From the first meeting, I instantly connected with her. I have pretty bad anxiety and she somehow has the ability to immediately calm me down and center me. When I called her to come over during my labor, she arrived within 45 minutes (she lives almost 30 minutes away). She has two small children herself and what we didn't know at the time was that her husband was out of town on business and she was still able to be with us, uninterrupted, the entire time. I labored 37hrs and I don't know what we would have done without her. She tended not only to my needs, but those of my husband's too, without overstepping any boundaries and while completely including him in the process. While at my house, Jenn walked 5 miles with me to try and speed up the labor, helped me ease my pain so I could rest, and even suggested/assisted with different positions and techniques to try and move the baby from posterior to anterior position so that the labor would move quicker.  After 27 hours of labor and nearly 36 hours without rest, the pain became too much for me and I decided to get the epidural.  This was the most difficult decision I have ever had to make. I sobbed and felt so extremely depressed about the decision, but I knew that I could not keep going like this.  Instead of judging me for my choice, Jenn helped me to come to terms with the decision and resurrected my good feelings about the labor/birth process.  When the baby was born, she stayed with us until we were in recovery. Jenn also captured pictures/video of the birth for us. She came to my home to do her routine postpartum visit when my baby was a week old. Just as she arrived, my daughter suddenly became very ill, which for a new mom is terrifying. She helped me explain to the doctor what had happened and held my hand through the entire ordeal. My husband and I want a big family and will never birth without this woman by our side. You need this doula!

-Allie Zingaro

August 10, 2014

a photo from Jenn Edmonds

Jenn Edmonds

The Supported Birth

Birth Fee: $2100 to $2250

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $60


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $2100 to $2250

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated Today!

Certified Doula
Years in practice