After experiencing a long labor resulting in a c-section with the birth of my first child, we decided that a doula was a must for the birth of our second child if we would have a successful VBAC. At my 38 week check up, I was sent to L&D due to high blood pressure and protien in my urine sample. After a weekend urine study I was diagnosed with preeclampsia and the OBs recommended I deliver soon. I scheduled a c-section for 39 weeks (a few days later). During this time we were in frequent contact with Mary Beth. She was a helpful ear and provided another resource to discuss our concerns and expectations. She was willing to continue as our doula for the c-section if we wished.
24 hours prior to c-section, I went into labor. During the day we were in contact with Mary Beth and discussed our renewed plan for a VBAC. Labor progressed and we were admitted in the late evening. I was offered the option to proceed with my scheduled c-section due to my high bp, but I elected to try a VBAC. My midwife recommended an epidural be administered during labor to help lower my bloodpressure a bit. I asked for this to be prepped as soon as it could. Mary Beth arrived soon after I was admitted.
Since it had been a little over two years since our last delivery, Mary Beth was very helpful keeping us focused and relaxed. This was very helpful for my husband who was nervous. During the delivery she worked with the nursing staff and midwives to keep me comfortable. However, the extra moral support was very helpful when my bp dropped during delivery and we had to stop until my vitals and baby's vitals stablized. Having someone there looking out for us was such a comfort! In active labor for 6 hours, I was tired and ended up using vacuum assit to help in the last mile. Mary Beth made sure we had a voice all along the way. Her help was priceless!
-Shannon Tucker
April 21, 2014
Changing Birth
Birth Fee: $725 to $1275