Michelle Visser Photo
Training offered
Trainings are provided to doulas (birth and/or postpartum) under the umbrella of perinatal mental health. They include general perinatal mental health, screening for perinatal mental health complications, professional boundaries and more! Courses are appropriate for new to the field as well as seasoned providers.
Summary of qualifications
I have over a decade of experience as a psychotherapist specializing in perinatal mental health. After experiencing my own struggles postpartum, I became committed to not only helping families, but making sure providers were adequately trained in this topic. Mental health complications are the NUMBER ONE complication of pregnancy and birth and no doula should be without a thorough understanding of of its complexities.
Style of teaching
I teach from research, professional experience, lived experience, and a dash of humor. Attendees have commented: "amazing and will be so useful in my role as a postpartum doula." "Applicability to clients right away" "Michelle's knowledge was so extensive and I thought she was just an amazing teacher."
Years offering training

Languages Spoken

  • English

Profile last updated: 3/7/2024 10:50:22 AM

Testimonials for Michelle Visser

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