Tara  Campbell  Photo
Training offered
DONA International approved Birth Doula trainer since 2006, Tara Campbell, CD(DONA), BDT, LCCE has trained over 15,000 birth doulas nationwide. Workshops are taught virtually via the Zoom platform (students can attend any location they desire).? To get credit for the workshop you must complete the workshop in its entirety. Students must have their video on and participate in class discussions.
Summary of qualifications
3-Day Virtual DONA International Birth Doula Workshop Includes: * 7 hr Introduction to Childbirth Education for new Doulas class. * 16 hr approved DONA International Birth Doula Workshop * Certificate issued upon completion * 30-minute Zoom group support check-in session one-month post-workshop. * Invitation to join our Facebook support group
Style of teaching
Tara offers an engaging and unique teaching style, allowing students the opportunity to learn in a supportive classroom environment. We recognize each student's learning style and tailor our teaching strategy to suit the student’s needs in our online learning environment.
Years offering training

Profile last updated: 2/22/2024 10:28:10 AM

Testimonials for Tara Campbell

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