Are you hoping to grow your birth business in 2025 but need guidance and practical solutions? Join Lamaze for a special three-session workshop to help you bring your business vision to fruition. Designed for perinatal professionals who have started their own businesses and are looking to attract more clients, implement sustainable business practices, and develop a more cohesive social media marketing strategy. Learners may participate in the live offering, watch the recording on-demand, or a combination of both. If you plan to participate live, please come ready to interact with your colleagues and presenters - we recommend joining from a computer or tablet for the best experience! Participants may earn 3.0 Lamaze Contact Hours.
Cost: $79.00
Instructor(s): Blake Hite Slusser, Wendy Trees, Madeline Paige
This is a live, virtual training event.
Meets Thursday December 5 from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
This training event meets once for 3 hours.