Testimonial for Deb Jimenez

When my husband and I found out that we were expecting we had no idea what we were getting outselves into.  We were happily in denial till about my 6th ot 7th month before we realized we knew NOTHING about giving birth or taking care of a baby!  Thank goodness for Deborah.  We were overwhelmed with information and she helped us sort through it all and understand it so we could make the right decisions for us.  She helped put together our birth plan and helped us both feel at ease that we had someone with us that would keep a level head and respect our wishes.  My labor was induced 9 days past my due date. My labor was easy - we kept it fun and light.  Right up until we realized baby was not making any progress dropping.  We tried different techniques and positions to get baby off of my pelvis.  Ultimately the Dr called for a C Section and I was caught off guard.  Deb helped calm me down and reassured me that I did not "fail" and that a healthy baby was all that mattered.  I even made sure that they would let her come into the OR with us.  She brought us so far that one way or another I wanted her to be there when my baby entered the world.  Once we got home we couldn't believe she didn't come with a manual!  Well turns out our manual was Deb!  From feeding, bathing, to getting her to sleep, Deb really showed us how to be confident in taking care of our baby girl.  I don't have enough room here to express the love and gratitude I have for Deb - she is not only positive, loving, and kind.  She is extremely knowldgeable and what I call a "baby whisperer".  I cannot recommend her highly enough!

-Christie Morris

July 22, 2013

a photo from Deb Jimenez

Deb Jimenez

Doula Deb: Birth, Postpartum & Sleep Doula

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2800

Postpartum Rate: $65 to $75


Updated 6/20/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2800

Postpartum Rate: $65 to $75


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 6/20/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice