Testimonial for Chelsey Whitcomb

My husband and I were expecting our first child and decided early on that if I was to give birth in a hospital, we wanted to at least have the support of a doula. For this birth, I had specific goals in mind:

- Have a spontaneous, natural birth. My baby was 1 wk & 6 days past due. I really wavered during this time on whether I made the right decision on waiting. Chelsey’s support really helped me during this time.

- Labor as long as possible at home. Once contractions started I was anxious to go to hospital and I did, contractions subsided once I got there. Chelsey recommended I go home and labor there. Because I listened to her I was able to labor in the comfort of my home for the 26 hours before I gave birth.

-Natural unmedicated birth. If I would of stayed in the hospital I'm not sure this would've been accomplished.

With Chelsey’s help I was able to achieve all of these things. 

The day of birth, Chelsey met us at the hospital & was a great advocate for us, she was very proactive with keeping me moving. Without her pain management techniques I don’t think I could of survived hard labor/transition period. Chelsey’s hip squeezes are by far the best, these provided me with so much relief during this time. This is especially incredible because she had slammed her fingers in a car door earlier that day & was icing her poor fingers in between contractions/squeezes. Chelsey was so very committed to keeping me as comfortable as I could be during this time and I am eternally grateful. She helped me stay focused and even encouraged the guttural, beast-like-noises I was making. Chelsey took it upon herself to document our birth and took pictures as our sweet baby entered the world, these pictures will always be cherished.

I couldn’t have achieved the birth of my dreams without her.

-Courtney Merritt

November 05, 2024

a photo from Chelsey Whitcomb

Chelsey Whitcomb

Doulightful Beginnings Birth Care

Birth Fee: $1500 to $1800


Updated 2/5/2025

Birth Fee: $1500 to $1800


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 2/5/2025

Certified Doula
Years in practice