Testimonial for Kelly Sunshine CD(DONA)

Kelly assisted me during the delivery of my second child last week. With my first child I desperately wanted to deliver naturally, but after 9 hours of contractions and only having dilated to 3 cm, I quickly became discouraged and opted for an epidural. I knew I needed to be better prepared this time around and decided to hire a doula. After meeting Kelly at our consultation a few days after finding her on DoulaMatch I knew right away that I didn’t need to look any further and hired her on the spot.  As we got to the last month of my pregnancy I had quite a bit of ‘false’ labor and she was great about always getting back to me within minutes, even when I would text her at 1 am to see what she thought. When the actual day came I started contracting at 4 am and ended up contacting her at about 5:45am. I wasn’t sure if it was false labor again, but after she listened to me on the phone she decided to get up and come over to my house. Thing progressed really quickly and before she got to my house I felt like I needed to go to the hospital so she met us there instead. She called ahead to let them know I was coming and she met me at the front door so she could help me get upstairs while my husband parked the car. From that moment on she helped me immensely by getting me through each contraction and advocating for me with the nursing staff. By the time I hit 6-7 cm I felt like I was really loosing control so I started to give up and asked for an epidural. Kelly knew I was very close to delivering so she got right in front of me and got me through each contraction by showing me exactly how to breath through each one. I went from 6 cm to having a baby on my chest in less than one hour and I am so thankful for Kelly for helping me get through that incredibly difficult and intense experience. I am so grateful for the support that she offered me and I will definitely be utilizing her services for all of my future births.

-R Nicolle Moshiri

July 11, 2013

a photo from Kelly Sunshine CD(DONA)

Kelly Sunshine CD(DONA)

Sunshine Doula Services

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2350


Updated 9/22/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2350


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/22/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice