Testimonial for Birth Alchemy Doula Collective

Dawn, Rebecca, and Brana were absolutely wonderful to work with. I had a really positive experience working with an individual doula during my first birth in New York but found the experience of working with the three of them for my second birth even better because they offer not one, but THREE sources of expertise and perspective.

The three of them have thoughtfully designed a support offering that covers all the necessary aspects to prepare you for birth and the new baby.

As part of their package, they facilitated a labor prep workshop, which was an invaluable resource for my husband and me. Even as second-time parents, we found ourselves in need of the mental and tactical preparation of preparing for birth. Their pain-coping strategies and labor prep exercises were something I sorely missed during my first birth. In addition to their direct support, they also referred me to a prenatal chiropractor to help position the baby ideally. The combination of these things helped prepare my body so that my labor was only 4 hours!

Something I appreciate about their collective is that their on-call rotation system meant that I never had to worry about an unfamiliar backup doula attending my birth. Each of them was well-acquainted with my birth preferences and I got to know each of them beforehand, so I was comfortable with any of them being the doula at my birth.

Brana ended up being the doula present at my labor, and her support was instrumental in helping my labor progress naturally. All in all, I only had to push for 4 minutes thanks to Brana's expertise and hands-on positioning support. Post-birth, Rebecca supported me in the hospital with lactation advice, improving my baby's latch and my comfort breastfeeding. A few days later, Brana did a home visit and taught me how to belly bind, which has helped with my recovery.

I am incredibly grateful to them for making my labor and postpartum recovery so smooth and seamless. 

-Candice Chen

September 09, 2024

a photo from Birth Alchemy Doula Collective

Birth Fee: $5000

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Updated 2/17/2025

Birth Fee: $5000

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 2/17/2025

Certified doulas