Testimonial for Christina Duff

Christina was amazing. Working with her was wonderful. I could not have given birth naturally without her help. In my opinion she was invaluable and I would never give birth without her.

It's hard to put into words how wonderful my birth experience was.

My water broke at 11 am and I called Christina right away. She kept me calm and told me what to do. She encouraged me to shower, eat, etc because she said that once I got to the hospital, if my water had broken, they would keep me there no matter what. I was able to keep in contact with her the entire time. She asked me questions to gauge how far along my labor was. She kept asking me if I wanted her to come and join us. On the way to the hospital, I was able to text her the whole time.

I was at the hospital for about an hour before she got there, which was my decision. About 15 minutes before she got there, I felt like I wouldn't be able to handle the pain. Once Christina got to the hospital, it all changed. The way I handled the contractions and the way they felt were completely different and manageable.

Once I got into the L&D room instead of the evaluation unit, I was able to get into the shower. Christina stayed with me the entire time. This was really helpful, because at one point, my husband had to leave the bathroom to sign paperwork. Knowing that there was someone to stay with me made it a lot easier for him. The farther along I got, the more instruction she gave.

Once I was ready to push, my husband and Christina held my hands. She gave me instructions on how to push and even the nurses commented that I wasn't pushing like a first timer. I ended up only pushing for 20 minutes which was amazing. After my son was born and I had time with him, my husband was able to hold our son while Christina helped me deliver the placenta. She then stayed afterwards until my son latched and started feeding.

I am so glad I hired her and I wouldn't change a thing!

-Molly Steinberg Howard

July 02, 2013

a photo from Christina Duff

Christina Duff

Well Born Baby

Birth Fee: $1600 to $2400

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $50


Updated 8/11/2024

Birth Fee: $1600 to $2400

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/11/2024

Years in practice