Testimonial for Josie Blakeney

When my baby boy was about 8 -10 weeks old he was struggling with his little tummy, and I was not getting much sleep. I still had a 4-finger separation diastasis recti, making movement still a challenge for me and thus difficult to do basic chores. I needed help; family was already gone and my husband back to work. Luckily kindergarten had started back up to keep my eldest occupied during the day.

Josie was referred to me for post partum help and my word was she a Godsend. I asked her to come one afternoon and when she arrived I was in shambles... I was exhausted, feeling helpless to my baby's constipation pains and feeling the looming stress of having to return to work before my spirit, mind, or even my body were ready.

 She sat with me and listened to me cry, compassionately helping me acknowledge, accept, and let go of all I was holding on to. She then reminded me that here was my opportunity to rest and asked if there was anything specific she could do. I gave her maybe 2 minutes of suggestions and pointed things out.

4 hours later (!) I woke up. refreshed, my home put together, my baby sleeping, a delicious pot of beans cooked and my husband home from work resting. The first thing he said to me was, "She is so efficient and competent." I just cried, knowing the truth of it. If I had had the money I'd have hired her for several weeks to help as I continued to repair my body. Her mix of personality, compassion, love for her work, and genuine demeanor is soothing for family and baby.

 She's incredible and exceptionally competent. I will absolutely seek her out for any future post partum experiences I have.


July 24, 2024

a photo from Josie Blakeney

Josie Blakeney

Magnolia Moon Doula

Birth Fee: $0 to $1750


Updated 3/4/2025

Birth Fee: $0 to $1750


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 3/4/2025

Certified Doula
Years in practice