Testimonial for Kelly Martin, CPM, LM CD ICEA, CMT, CE Lamaze

My first birth over 5 years ago, I did not have a doula and needless to say, it didn't go as planned. I got induced, was pressured into many medical interventions, and overall I had not done enough research. This time around, I refused to let that happen. I knew this second time around, my husband and I needed extra support. When looking for a doula, I was very picky. Kelly checked all of my boxes and then some. 

Kelly has incredible knowledge. I wanted to have a natural birth, rather than being induced. I had done my research, read books, listened to podcasts, and was as prepared as I could be. Even knowing as much as I did, Kelly brought experience to the table, something I didn't have. 

When it came time for the birth, Kelly was there every step of the way. She provided support in ways my husband and I didn't know we needed it. On our way to the hospital after dilating 6cm at home, she provided non-medical intervention to ease the contractions.

In the hospital, there were times I was in my head and Kelly could tell. She helped me get focused and push through my challenges. Kelly didn't leave my side throughout my whole labor, even when we had all been awake for far too long. My husband felt very supported, and appreciated having another person to keep us on track with our goals when we were exhausted and wanted to give up. 

I could go on and on, truly, but what I want to convey is that I got everything I wanted in this labor, and that wouldn't have been possible without Kelly. I will forever look back with fond memories of my labor, which may sound strange, but it's true. I have the utmost respect and gratitude for Kelly for helping us birth our beautiful baby girl naturally.


June 23, 2024

a photo from Kelly Martin, CPM, LM CD ICEA, CMT, CE Lamaze

Birth Fee: $1600 to $1900


Updated 3/1/2025

Birth Fee: $1600 to $1900


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 3/1/2025

Certified Doula
Years in practice