Testimonial for Heidy Ramirez

Working with Heidy was probably the best decision we made throughout our entire pregnancy journey. Heidy is a kind, professional and incredibly knowledgable person who truly played a critical role in helping my husband and I have the most beautiful and positive experience welcoming our first child this past March.

Throughout our time together she asked thoughtful questions, offered excellent advice and recommendations, and was a calm and grounding presence at all moments.  As first time parents, her expertise and reassurance were absolutely invaluable.

Heidy was an amazing resource for us both before and after birth as we navigated the preparation and first weeks with our son.  She talked us through any worries or concerns and offered suggestions when relevant - sometimes actions sometimes products. I can wholeheartedly say I would blindly purchase anything Heidy recommends, even still to this day!  She never once steered us wrong.

After our son’s birth she treated him with so much love and tenderness. I never hesitated to leave him with her overnight. In fact my husband and I lovingly joked that he was probably so relieved every time she came over - finally someone who knew what they were doing!

In addition to helping us get some much needed rest, she always checked on my physical and emotional well-being first, and there were days that meant even more to me than getting a good night’s sleep. In doing so and having those conversations openly, I do think she also helped my husband to have a better understanding of the nuanced experience I was going through, and to feel confident that even when he didn’t know how to help it was all normal and I was okay.

Sincerely I could go on and on about how positive our experience with Heidy was. If I ever get pregnant again she will be the very first person I call!

-Maya Garcia

May 22, 2024

a photo from Heidy Ramirez

Heidy Ramirez

Birth & Postpartum Doula, Lactation Counselor

Birth Fee: $4250 to $4500

Postpartum Rate: $70 to $80


Updated 9/6/2024

Birth Fee: $4250 to $4500

Postpartum Rate: $70 to $80


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/6/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice