Testimonial for Jackie Prescott

Jackie was with me for my first VBAC back in 2022 and she was the reason I made it through 13 hours of labor so of course it was a no brainer that I wanted her for my second VBAC just shy of a month ago. 

This labor was much quicker, thankfully, with active labor lasting 3 hours and pushing for only 27 minutes after having inconsistent contractions for the 16 hours prior. Labor finally started after doing an inversion and one round of the Miles Circuit. Jackie was in the loop the entire time and gave me suggestions on what to do to help get labor going in a more consistent and progressive manner as well as suggestions to take the edge off and get some sleep if labor did not progress once the sun went down. 

She arrived at the birth center about 15 minutes after my husband and I did and immediately started helping me cope with contractions as they were pretty intense and would only start to increase in intensity. Since she was with me the last time, she knew I was dilated to a 7 upon arrival to the birth center while my midwife thought I was no more than a 3! When it was time to push, I got into the bathtub and Jackie helped me handle the strong and intense contractions. She also kept me hydrated and brought out the peppermint oil when I was feeling nauseous, which helped SO MUCH. 

I am forever grateful that I had two amazing VBACs and that Jackie was with me and my husband for both of them! My husband was skeptical about having a doula but after our first birth with Jackie he admitted she was fantastic and asked if she would be with us again this time. I will recommend Jackie to anyone and everyone who asks for a doula in the area! Thank you Jackie, from the bottom of our hearts! 


April 16, 2024

a photo from Jackie Prescott

Jackie Prescott

District Doulas

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $55


Updated 9/2/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $55


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/2/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice