Testimonial for Jill Magoffin CD(DONA)

It’s never too late to hire a doula! I knew I wanted a doula even before pregnancy but always felt too overwhelmed to start the search, so we didn’t end up hiring Jill until I was 35 weeks, which I initially thought was going to be too late, but it was perfect for us.
My OB wanted to induce me at 39 weeks and started having those conversations starting at 36 weeks. However it was always my goal to go into labor naturally. Jill empowered me and helped me navigate those conversations with my OB with confidence.
My pregnancy wasn’t the easiest, and I agreed to an induction at 40 weeks+6 days. However there was a big misunderstanding between my OB and the hospital that resulted in an abrupt change in our induction plans, and ended with a surprise admittance to the hospital. I called Jill in tears explaining the change, and she calmly talked me through our options and pros and cons. It was such a relief and the voice of calm and reason that I needed.
When Jill got to the hospital she decorated the room with lights and created a relaxing ambiance. She helped me labor more comfortably, like turning me and using different laboring tools like the peanut ball, and also regularly explained what was next, like what it meant for how far along I was, when we’d likely start pushing, etc. Ultimately, she was the voice of empowerment, calm, and education that we needed through labor and delivery.
My labor experience was a dream, and while much of that is out of our control, I attribute much of it to having a doula. Jill provided a significant peace of mind that we had an advocate and educator in the room. She honored our birth preferences, helped us pivot amidst a big unexpected change, and supported me through labor and beyond with post-delivery and postpartum care & follow up. While we didn’t have Jill for as long as some pregnant people probably have their doulas, we had the best experience and have no regrets!


April 12, 2024

a photo from Jill Magoffin CD(DONA)

Jill Magoffin CD(DONA)

Jill Magoffin-Doula CD(DONA)

Birth Fee: $0 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Updated 7/31/2024

Birth Fee: $0 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/31/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice