Testimonial for Selah Birth Services of Texas

I was originally supposed to have a birth center birth with a seperate doula, who was already the second one I had had. They always say third times a charm! After being emergency induced, Jaci got there shortly after my water naturally broke and I had been on Pitocin for a while. While I wasn't sure how a hospital doula supported birth would work I am beyond grateful things worked the way they did and that God placed things in order. I was able to have as much of the birth I wanted that was possible and in the end I got the greatest gift of my life two days before my birthday! I wasn't even their original client, but I felt so comfortable and cared for in a situation that could've went any other way. While my birth experience wasn't what I expected, I truly believe having this doula and hospital birth team made the best out of my situation!

-McKenzie Ambler

March 26, 2024

a photo from Selah Birth Services of Texas

Birth Fee: $850 to $1550

Postpartum Rate: $35


Updated 8/22/2024

Birth Fee: $850 to $1550

Postpartum Rate: $35


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/22/2024

Certified doulas