Testimonial for Heather Wuschke

Thank you, Heather, for all the ways in which you supported us throughout our birth and in the time surrounding it! When I met you, I had sleepless nights about what I could do so that I had a birth partner and someone to look after our older child. I wanted our child around me, but looked after and my partner was the only person aside from a midwife that I could imagine at our birth. And then I met you. Everything changed. In the weeks leading up to the birth you answered all our questions, helped us plan the home birth like noone else did and helped me to find my confidence and my calm. At the birth, you brought a playkitchen for our daughter (amazing!) and then you were there with me. It ended up being the way that you were mostly my birth partner while my partner looked after our daughter, which felt right in that moment. Hearing her giggles in the next room and having you with all your calm, strength and knowledge by myside was perfect. You were there for me when the midwifes had not yet arrived. You were my main focus point even when they had. Whenever I felt that I could not do this, you squeezed my hands and looked into my eyes and said something along the lines of "and you don't have to do it like this. I have many more ideas (of natural pain relief) that we can try. Let's change it up". That was the best thing for me to hear in that moment, and also - you did!! You had so many great ways to help me feel more comfortable and ideas how I could help my baby move along. And when it was time for her to be born, you made sure my partner and sleeping daughter were right there with me. You gave us space to welcome her afterwards, and helped with the clean up. Heather, when I think of my birth I see you strong calm eyes. Thank you for all that you were for us - a guiding hand, a birth partner, a friend. We will always hold you in our hearts.


February 26, 2024

a photo from Heather Wuschke

Heather Wuschke

Sacred Rhythms

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $40


Updated 7/11/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/11/2024

Years in practice