Testimonial for Jackie Prescott

The ENTIRE experience of working with Jackie and DD was so empowering and I changed as a person (and will be a better mom) because of working with them.

At 36 weeks, I had an expected issue arise and was sent to the hospital. What ensued was a very stressful 12+ hours of feeling pressured by our doctor to make decisions we weren’t comfortable making. The doulas shared their expertise and loads of peer-reviewed research to help inform our decision making. They equipped us with very relevant information so that we felt confident making decisions. This helped me to avoid an unnecessary induction. 

2 weeks later, I went into labor at home. I was able to spend nearly 24 hours in the comfort of my own home. My husband stayed in touch with the doulas to get advice throughout the labor experience and I credit all of their support to stay confident during labor, find ways to deal with the pain, and to really see labor as a partnership between myself & baby. As soon as Jackie arrived at the hospital, I felt a sense of calm & confidence. She has a wealth of knowledge and built a great rapport with my care team so everyone was in sync and aligned. I felt so held. When it came time to push, I was fairly scared that I wouldn’t be able to do it but Jackie (and our nurse Naomi) formed a great team with my husband to coach me through pushing and deliver my daughter after only 40 min of pushing. It was an incredible experience and I will remember it forever.

I am so grateful that Jackie will be a part of my daughter’s birth story. Jackie was also available in the weeks after my delivery to help answer questions and she was very attentive. I will probably forever get teary-eyed when I think about my daughter’s birth and how I was able to achieve my birth goals with the help of Jackie. If you’re at all considering a doula for your pregnancy and birth, look no further. They are the BEST of the best.


February 19, 2024

a photo from Jackie Prescott

Jackie Prescott

District Doulas

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $55


Updated 9/2/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $55


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/2/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice