Testimonial for Albina Kozlov

My name is Inga Timosenco. I gave birth to a 7,13 pound baby. On ultra sound they showed that my baby was really big. So they insisted me to get induced or do a c-section. My doula has sent me information about how on ultra sound they are wrong most of the time. So I close to wait and see if I can go into labour on my own. Since my doctor kept on pushing on me, I agreed to get induced on my due date. When I came in, few hours later while we were waiting for them to settle everything in, my water broke, so I refused the induction. My doctor got mad because she may not get paid for my labour, so she kept on pushing me to get induced. My doula Albina helped me with standing my ground, so I insisted to wait for my contractions to get more intense. Which did, 2 hours later. The reason why I didn't want to get induced is because it's very hard to move, they make the contractions more painful. Albina has took turns with my husband by pressing on my hips and doing other things to make my contractions less painful. Also, Albina has put some oil on my back with calmed me down. She has showed me how to breath the right way, and has helped me not to give up. She spent about 12 hours with me! With my other pregnancies, I couldn't eat, couldn't walk freely, I had a monitor on my belly that was connected. (my doctors always stressed me out, by pushing things on me, saying that if I don't give birth faster, they'll do a c-section. Which made me rip really bad, and made my breathing very minimal, which caused my son's heart rate to drop.) With my doula, i found out that I could eat, I can choose the wireless belly monitor. I was very comfortable, I had the lights off, calm music, and calming essential oils.) My baby had no complications, I pushed her out within 10 mintues, and I barley ripped) Thank you Albina for making my birth experience so special! I am so happy that we finally we have a doula in our community, which we never had before! 


February 16, 2024

a photo from Albina Kozlov

Albina Kozlov

Lavish Grace Wellness

Birth Fee: Not specified


Updated 1/14/2025

Birth Fee: Not specified


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 1/14/2025

Certified Doula
Years in practice