Testimonial for Camille Ferguson

Camille was such a vital part of my birth team! I live 12 hours away from any family so I knew my mom wasn't going to be present for my labor. It was my first baby and I was determined to have an intervention free labor. I had bad back labor and my labor lasted 41 hours. I labored at home for the majority of it, texting Camille and keeping her informed of my progress. The last 12 hours of labor was at the hospital. I called Camille to come join us at the hospital after we got checked in. She helped me so much with different coping techniques but the most helpful was how much counter pressure she did for me through the whole thing - I'm sure her hands and arms were sore for days afterwards, but every contraction either her or my husband was there applying counter pressure which was immensly helpful. I had a moment towards the end of my labor that I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do it and she helped talk me off the ledge and re-instill confidence in myself. She was right by my side through pushing and helped me figure out how to push effectively. After I birthed my placenta, I had PPH and 2 peices of retained placenta. They had to take my son away from me while they were treating me and I sent my husband with my son and Camille stayed with me and thank the Lord she was there. The treatment for this part was the most painful thing of my life (much worse than the entirety of the labor)- Camille held my hand and helped me get through all the pain. I was pretty distraught afterwards and Camille helped talk me down. I am so grateful she was there for us and I'm not sure if I would have been successful in my intervention free birth had I not had her. She was worth her weight in gold and I would highly recommend her! 

-Anne Friedman

February 12, 2024

a photo from Camille Ferguson

Camille Ferguson

Verve Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1000 to $1500

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $50


Updated 2/9/2024

Birth Fee: $1000 to $1500

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 2/9/2024

Years in practice