I hired Jamie for the birth of my second child. I was extremely anxious about the delivery and the hospital experience after my first son was delivered by emergency c-section. From our first phone call, Jamie understood completely and was so supportive of my feelings and decisions. She encouraged me to ask questions of the doctors and to learn as much as I could about plans and procedures, to have my own vision of my labor and to advocate for that. When at 39 weeks the doctors told me for the first time that my baby was measuring small and recommended inducing immediately, it is thanks to Jamie that I felt confident taking time to consider my options. I eventually decided to wait, and went into labor naturally one week later.
In the end, I had a successful VBAC, without epidural. I don’t think that would have been possible without the confidence Jamie gave me to listen to my body and my baby, and to push back against unnecessary interventions. Her calming presence in the delivery room helped get me through the those last pushes, but truly her guidance in the last weeks of pregnancy, through the noise of all the various recommendations and pressures, allowed me to have the delivery I had hoped for.
-Alexa Lawrence
January 22, 2024
The magic of birth
Birth Fee: $1800 to $2000
Postpartum Rate: $40 to $50