Testimonial for Midwest Doulas- Doulas, Placenta Encapsulation

We were lucky enough to work with Justine, Ale and Rachel of Midwest Doulas to prepare for and support us in the birth of our first child. The 3 prenatal sessions with Justine, Ale and Rachel were informative and evidence-based. By the end, we felt more knowledgeable about our pregnancy and like we were confident in our birth preferences and the process of birthing at our chosen hospital. Throughout the pregnancy, any and all questions that we had were answered quickly and thoroughly. By the end of the pregnancy it felt like we had 3 good friends in our corner who also happened to be experts on birth.
Our birth did not end up going at all how we had planned - I ended up being induced and after a long induction which stalled out at the end, our baby boy came to the world via c-section. Justine was incredibly present and supportive through the whole planning process and when induction day came, she was invaluable. She brought the exact energy that we needed, and kept me moving throughout the whole induction - even doing position work after I got an epidural. When it came time to make the decision to do a c-section, I knew we were making the right choice because she was confident we had tried everything. My husband and I were so grateful to have her in the operating room to support me so he could be with baby throughout. And she caught pictures that I will cherish forever as I wasn’t very lucid for the procedure.

-Sam and Matt Lunder

January 16, 2024

a photo from Midwest Doulas- Doulas, Placenta Encapsulation

Birth Fee: $2000 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $50


Updated 4/18/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 4/18/2024

Certified doulas
Certified doulas