Testimonial for Jenny Putnam, CD(DONA), CLC

I am very grateful to have found Jenny before the birth of my second child. I only wish I had realized the importance of involving a Doula before my first born. I have an incredibly supportive husband and family but my first birth experience was still mildly traumatizing. I say mildly because I so fortunately had a beautiful healthy boy that safely entered this world. While everyone I encountered was caring and mostly kind, what was hardest for me was learning about the hospital system and even how little my prenatal care seemed to be about my health. I found it to be overwhelming and my anxiety and stress built as I went through it. My husband and I were often at odds with my caretakers while trying to avoid interventions and hoping to remain unmedicated during labor. I had a 3 day induction leading to an epidural and coached pushing on my back without changing positions for hours (something I knew I wanted to avoid.) It ended in a 3rd degree tear still affecting me 2 1/2 years later.

For my second child I hired Jenny. Her care began early on and she listened (truly listened,) to all my concerns. She was also able to validate my concerns and grievances with the same evidence I'd been seeing and more. She is very knowledgable and this was really important to me in order to trust her advice. I was able to relax and feel less alone and defensive. I was able to let that first birth experience go and hope for a better one. She helped give my husband and I the confidence to avoid another induction and to advocate for ourselves. I ended up with an amazing birth experience. I was able to birth my second child without any interventions, just as I'd hoped, and I felt all the benefits of that. My postpartum experience was night and day. She's also very good at the hip squeeze pain relief technique! I highly recommend Jenny.


January 14, 2024

a photo from Jenny Putnam, CD(DONA), CLC

Jenny Putnam, CD(DONA), CLC

Nesting Birth & Beyond

Birth Fee: $500 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $40


Updated 9/6/2024

Birth Fee: $500 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/6/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice