Testimonial for Sara Wolfe Payne

I felt comfortable with Sara as soon as I met her. Our interview felt like meeting up with a friend rather than a hiring experience. For the birth of my second child, I wanted my husband to be with our son so it was extra important that I completely trusted my birth team. I was lucky enough to have both Milla Blindauer and Sara Wolfe Payne as my doulas, and I recommend them extremely highly either individually or as a team. Sara was at least 30 weeks pregnant with her second child at my daughter's birth! Both Milla and Sara assured me that she was up for it, so I agreed to it - after having one child I felt like the more trusted women around, the better! It turned out to be an incredible bonding experience for us; since we were both pregnant with our second babies, we understood each other effortlessly. Throughout my pregnancy, Sara had a wonderful way of checking in on me. She's so genuinely caring, I felt empowered by her support. When, at 37 weeks, I learned my baby was breech, both Milla and Sara understood the gravity of the situation for me. Throughout my second pregnancy, I practiced mindfulness and did my best to be open to whatever was coming, but I deeply wanted a peaceful home birth (after my first birth was a hospital transfer). With the breech news, I started looking into all my options, and Sara was researching along with me. Finally, Dr. Biney at Providence performed a successful version at 38 weeks and after texting my husband, I texted Milla and Sara. When it was go time, Sara was like a rock. Her presence alone is comforting and reassuring. Ultimately, my daughter was born at home after a few hours of intense labor and eight minutes of pushing. It was a peaceful birth beyond my wildest dreams. Without wholly trusting my birth team, I could have been scared, but I was ready. I wish every parent a joyful, transformative birth. Our postpartum visits were lovely and energizing. Thank you, Sara!

-Emily Collins

January 12, 2024

a photo from Sara Wolfe Payne

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1600


Updated 2/25/2025

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1600


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 2/25/2025

Years in practice