Testimonial for Brittney Belley (Masters)

I found Brittney when I was around 35 or 36 weeks pregnant with my second.  I was hesitant that I even needed a birth doula as I didn't really know what I was needing at the time - but I did know that I desperately wanted a natural water birth (location still undecided).  I found myself faced with a second (and potentially final) chance to "get it right", as I trusted my first pregnancy with an OBGYN via the health care system that ended in a labour and delivery that left me very much scarred - both physically (via a C-section) and mentally.  It was everything I didn't want from A to Z.  I felt robbed.  I was sure to find myself a midwife this time around, and when I chatted with her about a birth doula and whether she thought I might need one, she told me to book a consult and chat with one.  She felt that I would know if it was for me or not and recommended Brittney.

Well after my initial consult with Brittney, I was sold!  I knew I wanted - nay - NEEDED her on my team.  She shared that she had gone through a similar birthing experience for her first child and went on to have a successful unmedicated home water birth for her second.  She was the dream that I had for myself - to be brazen and bold enough to say that I didn't need a hospital, and that I trusted my body could do what it was designed to from the comfort of my own home.  I wanted to not be afraid of the raw experience of birth and Brittney was the support I needed.  Her desire for all women to have the birthing experience they dream of is highly evident in her coaching.  She is so in tune with her clients and unbelievably caring and supportive.  She is deeply knowledgeable, fierce, bold, strong, and confident - everything you NEED in the room when you feel you can't do it anymore.  She was one of two angels that gave me the greatest gift of all - my dream home water birth - and I NEVER could have done it without her!

-Jocelyn Burke

January 01, 2024

a photo from Brittney Belley (Masters)

Brittney Belley (Masters)

Peaceful Birth Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1250 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $35


Updated 7/27/2024

Birth Fee: $1250 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $35


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/27/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice