Testimonial for Renée Ahmadi MA CD (DONA)

When we initially started making plans for the birth, I wasn’t very well informed about the role of Doulas. I was on the fence about the value of hiring a Doula. I'm very grateful we made the decision to hire Renée, and it made a big difference in my experience of the birth as a dad.

It was invaluable to have someone supporting us who was outside the hospital team and could help clarify choices and communicate with doctors when there were alternatives that better suited our wishes. Renée is experienced, skilled, and has a calm, strong presence that helped guide me in being a supportive partner throughout the birth. In addition to the birth itself, Renée’s process from our first meeting months before leading up to labour felt thorough, efficient and thoughtful. The time she took getting to know us built trust and made working with her at the birth more comfortable. I felt much more relaxed knowing Renée was part of our team, and I think it made a huge difference for both my partner and I in how we felt after the fact. Given how focused the hospital team was on the health of the baby, it felt at times they were not able to pay as much attention to what was actually going on with my partner. Renée was able to anticipate that dynamic, and contribute or guide in decisions around movement, pain relief, monitoring, and other aspects that really helped improve the comfort and dignity of my partner. It made it easier for me to focus on the ways I could support and reduced my uncertainty overall. It is not just having another person skilled and experienced with births, but someone whose relation to us had a blend of familiarity and impartiality that nurses, doctors, midwives and other family members aren’t afforded. I couldn't recommend Renée more strongly.


December 19, 2023

a photo from Renée Ahmadi MA CD (DONA)

Renée Ahmadi MA CD (DONA)

FlexAbility Yoga and Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1400 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60


Updated 9/3/2024

Birth Fee: $1400 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/3/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice