Testimonial for Amber Stewart|Doula|Student Midwife

Amber was such an instrumental and irreplaceable piece that made our home birth experience the most special and magical moment of my family's life. When I was in the throes of labor, Amber was my peace and tranquility while simultaneously being the steady confidence and guidance I needed to believe in my baby and I's ability to successfully meet each other earthside. Amber's touch to the environment of my birth was also something I will forever value. Her very presence was so powerful in keeping me grounded while also providing a beautiful physical ambiance with soft lighting, aromatherapy, a fan, etc to keep my comfort level at its highest level. When baby was born, we were met with an unexpected slight emergency. My sweet girl was taking her time breathing on her own and ended up needing slight intervention by our birth team. Amber was such a force in keeping the energy calm and stable, all while making sure all the proper measures were taken to ensure baby got to optimal breathing and health. Without Ambers peace and strength, I could have very easily slipped into panic mood but she made sure that panicing was never a feeling on my radar. Once baby was stable and we were all snuggled in our bed as a new family of four, Amber navigated her way through our kitchen without disrupting our golden hour all to surprise me with the most wonderful, nourishing meal I could ever dream of! She also brought me a warm, cozy cup of tea to help me refuel and nourish my body immediately after giving birth. I could go on and on about how amazing Amber was and how I will forever hold her in a special place in my heart for being such a huge role in the most amazing day of my life! Amber, thank you for your compassion, strength, peace, guidance, and overall love for my whole family! I love you forever sister! 

-Kelsie Leighton

December 11, 2023

a photo from Amber  Stewart|Doula|Student Midwife

Amber Stewart|Doula|Student Midwife

Mother In Bloom Doula & Childbirth Services

Birth Fee: $1300 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $50


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $1300 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


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Years in practice