Testimonial for Christine Scarlett, RN, BSN, PCD(DONA), CPD, CBD, CLC, CEIM

We have had a wonderful experience with Chris for our 4th birth, which we wanted to be as natural as possible. We moved in USA when I was 6 months pregnant, and it has been a blessing to meet her just after our arrival: she gave us so many good tips and contacts, for deciding where giving birth, choosing midwives, chiropractor, helping us to write birth preferences, replying to any single question with knowledge and professionalism. The birth went really well, Chris was like an angel on our sides, guessing our needs and proposing help always when it was appropriate; never too much, never too less. It was such a beautiful birth, I got all the support I needed to give birth naturally in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, without being disturbed by hospital routines. A couple of days after birth, Chris came at home and gave very good advices for breastfeeding, and told me to see an IBCLC if the situation didn't improve. Later on, after recovering, she told me to ask the midwife to check my abdomen for diastasis recti in order to be reffered to a physical therapist. If she hadn't, no one else would have done it; I had that diastasis recti for a long time but I didn't know that it was best to work on it, and no one here, in France or in Sweden had noticed it before! She came as well as post partum doula, which has been so great, she made delicious meals, was so efficient with laundry and amazing with the three bigger kids, coming with games, speaking with them, they loved it and it was a relief for me in those moments that can be so crazy in a family life...She learned me infant massage as well, a great discovery. Always as professional. I am amazed how much Chris knows about pregnancy, giving birth, babies, breastfeeding, toddler... And how kind, warm and supportive she has been for me and the bigger kids. I highly recommend hiring her for preparing a birth, having support during birth and after birth. 

-Agathe Charles

November 25, 2023

a photo from Christine Scarlett, RN, BSN, PCD(DONA), CPD, CBD, CLC, CEIM

Birth Fee: $800

Postpartum Rate: $25


Updated 9/5/2024

Birth Fee: $800

Postpartum Rate: $25


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/5/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice