Testimonial for Hayley McKie

Hayley helped bring our first Little into the world earlier this year. Hayley was open to working with us for a home birth and met the whole family, including our additional support folks (and our support kitty!). Our initial interviews/getting to know one another went really comfortably and they made us feel secure and supported; especially my partner. Our plan was largely for my partner to support me and for Hayley to support him. 

As pregnancy went on, Hayley was able to confirm that I was showing signs of prodromal/early labor- which lasted a week or so. They really helped affirm the experience while we waited. Our actual labor day was a whirlwind of having to induce and depart from our home birth plans. I truly believe that our support team of midwives and Hayley are the reason why my labor story is not a traumatic one even though it was such a serious departure from our original plans and required a lot of interventions when we'd hoped for none. Hayley brought candles to the birthing center, ran a bath, and helped my partner provide pressure and relief. Once I was further along Hayley was an amazing support to my partner so he could focus on coaching me. On top of all that, Hayley got beautiful pictures for us for which I'm so grateful as I honestly recall so little of my own labor due to the intensity of it. 

Postpartum, Hayley helped me figure out babywearing which was far more difficulty than I might have guessed. They also were able to give us some much needed rest and care for our Little while we napped. Our Little is pretty picky about who soothes them but they were able to sleep and rest easy in Hayleys care. 

If we decide to have another kiddo, we will 100% be asking Hayley if they are free. They made us feel so cared for and safe and are a huge part of why our labor experience went from really scary to fully supported. 

-E. Sinclair

November 14, 2023

a photo from Hayley McKie

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $55


Updated 7/27/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $55


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/27/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice