Kathie Phillips helped me during the birth of my first daughter during the summer of 2019. I had an induction at 41 weeks 5 days and started midday with an unfavorable cervix. After some mild induction methods we started pitocin and it really ramped up the labor process. Kathie grounded me and had me focus on my breathing when contractions got intense. She brought peace into a very tense and stressful labor. It’s so important for a doula to know when to be involved and when to give space. During my labor there were times I needed reassurance and times I needed to labor alone. She was incredibly encouraging and so supportive. She and my husband switched off rubbing my back during contractions. After 10 hours of hard contractions with little dilation I opted for an epidural so we could all get some rest. I was wanting to avoid it but she was there to support me and my birth however it looked. She was back the next morning and stayed by my side until delivery. She advocated for me and made sure I had everything I needed and wanted for my birth.
November 14, 2023
Legacy Doula
Birth Fee: $1650
Postpartum Rate: Not specified