Testimonial for Jenn Edmonds

One line review: Jenn was our overnight postpartum doula for 7 weeks.  We wholeheartedly recommend her and would use her again!

Jenn is amazing and if you hire her you will absolutely agree!  My wife and I, being naive first time parents, didn't even think of hiring a postpartum doula until a few days after our baby had arrived.  After a few brutal sleepless nights at home we desperately started a search for help and interviewed several doulas.  Here are the reasons we initially chose Jenn to be our postpartum doula:

1. She is very experienced both in birth support and postpartum support.

2. She works for herself and is the sole provider.  All the other doulas we interviewed were with agencies which meant that to cover a week it would take at least 2 doulas, sometimes 3 or even 4.  We preferred to have one consistent doula for both safety/health reasons and to build a consistent rapport with the baby.  Agencies also take a portion of the fee so you end up paying both the doula and the agency which means a higher overall cost.

3. She is an excellent communicator, whether over the phone, Zoom, email or text.  She is responsive, professional and very detailed in all of her communications.

4.  We just clicked with her during the Zoom interview.  Her gentle, warm demeanor really resonated with us.

After 7 weeks all of the above holds true but I can also add that Jenn is reliable and prompt (she never missed a night of support and was always on time), diligent in keeping records of the baby's activities, provided helpful answers and guidance to our many questions, and managed to maintain a graceful, calm and positive demeanor even during our baby's most fussy nights!

To sum it up: the nights you know Jenn is coming you feel relieved and the nights where you're on your own you feel dread!  Thank you, Jenn!

-Oliver Liao

October 05, 2023

a photo from Jenn Edmonds

Jenn Edmonds

The Supported Birth

Birth Fee: $2100 to $2250

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $60


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $2100 to $2250

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated Today!

Certified Doula
Years in practice