Testimonial for Dasha Litvinov CD(DONA) Doula & CCCE Childbirth Educator

I want to share my experience of childbirth with Dasha as my doula.

I met her long before my due date. I didn’t even know what a doula was at that time. Dasha offered to meet with me for coffee because she knew this was my first baby and offered her time to answer any of my ever growing questions.

We talked about childbirth and my vision for my birth, I learned a lot of new things for myself, these conversations helped me cope with anxiety and get to know Dasha. I live in Seattle and Dasha is based out of Boise. She explained all the logistics of out of state doula and promised to do everything she can to make it to my birth. She also introduced me to a local doula (her back up).

A few weeks before my due date, we had a virtual meeting and made my Birth plan.

My plans were for a natural birth, without interventions. I really liked that Dasha spoke in detail about variations in childbirth and I knew all the PROS and CONS.
I knew that my doula would support me every step of the way and that made me feel safe.

On August 20 at 12:00pm I started having contractions and my dream birth began. Dasha was already in Seattle for a couple days, waiting for me to be ready. I felt safe knowing she is nearby. We labored at home as long as possible and transferred to the hospital with ease just for the delivery. She never left my side.

I am incredibly grateful to my doula that I was able to give birth safely, quickly and felt empowered the whole time. I had total trust in her! I was able to trust my body and what helped me was, knowing that I had a supportive woman who knew what childbirth was like by my side. I'm happy that she was with me!


September 13, 2023

a photo from Dasha  Litvinov CD(DONA) Doula & CCCE Childbirth Educator

Birth Fee: $1350 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $50


Updated 8/9/2024

Birth Fee: $1350 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/9/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice