Testimonial for Dina Piccioni

We had such an incredible experience with Dina! This was our first child, and I had a lot of nerves about the entire labor and delivery process. Dina was wonderful at providing us with plenty of resources and info leading up to L&D to help prepare and soothe anxiety. She was very open and responsive to answer questions or just talk from the moment we hired her and well after delivery. Her knowledge and skill was evident in every interaction.

Labor snuck up on me, and I ended up barreling into the hospital fully effaced and dilated and ready to push. The pushing stage ended up being the most challenging part for me (~3 hours), and Dina was able to get to the hospital right when I needed her. I was starting to struggle with fatigue and feeling discouraged, and she truly turned things around when she arrived. She came in, politely greeted the staff, and came right to my side and immediately established a connection with me and started coaching in exactly the way I needed (and the rest of the room). I honestly don't think I would have been able to push that baby out without her support. My husband has even commented that when she arrived there was a clear shift, and that's when things really started progressing.

She stayed with us for about an hour after the delivery and made her delicious after birth "cocktail." It was really comforting to have a familiar face there after the main event, and that "cocktail" really gave me some life back so I could be present and enjoy the golden hour. The postpartum visit was also helpful in that I got a chance to ask questions and recap the experience with her.

Overall, my experience with Dina was truly exceptionall. If we decide to have another child, I will absolutely be hiring Dina again.


September 08, 2023

a photo from Dina Piccioni

Dina Piccioni

Dina The Doula

Birth Fee: $2000

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $45


Updated 7/24/2024

Birth Fee: $2000

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/24/2024

Years in practice