Testimonial for Lynn Shinto

Sometimes it can be hard for me to find the right words, but here goes, I will do my best.

Lynn was exceptional and went far above and beyond what was expected. Our son's birth did not go as expected and he arrived 3 weeks early. When I was faced with a scary situation and a longer than anticipated hospital stay, Lynn was there for me and my husband throughout the experience. I was able to reach her at any time of the day and she communicated very well with me and the entire health care team. She listened actively, helped me relax by giving me massages, helped me get comfortable, comforted me when I was feeling overwhelmed.

She had a TENS machine that I used throughout the labour that I found very helpful.  Lynn, my husband and I also had a lot of fun listening to music and dancing earlier on in the labour. As things progressed, Lynn's gentle coaching and words of encouragement helped me stay calm and in the zone. When it was time for my son to make his entrance into the world, she was ready and pro-active, never forgetting to give me sips of water, juice or coconut water.

As my husband currently lives overseas, she kept him and his family informed of what was going on. She facilitated continuous video chat so that he was able to see the birth of our son, which was of utmost importance to all of us.

My husband and I are forever grateful and consider Lynn to be part of our family now. Lynn had a very positive impact on this birth and we cannot thank her enough! 


August 18, 2023

a photo from Lynn Shinto

Lynn Shinto

Birth to Life Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1750

Postpartum Rate: $40


Updated 9/3/2024

Birth Fee: $1750

Postpartum Rate: $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/3/2024

Years in practice