Testimonial for Evana Cooper, BA, CD AMANI

Evana was there when I needed her the most. This was my first pregnancy and I had tons of anxiety, worries, and questions. Evana put to rest many of my fears with her own extensive knowledge and experience birthing and raising babies. I appreciated how available she was for a text and/or phone call and NEVER made me feel like I was bothering her. My pregnancy was generally great - Evana came to our home twice to help my husband and I prepare for the big day and create a birth plan. Everything was smooth sailing ... or so I thought.

Fast forward to 6/7/23. Evana stayed in contact with my husband and I during the induction process. We thought we had time, and I would labor through the day. 11:37am and my OBGYN tells me due to baby's declining heart rate they are recommending an emergency c-section. There went my birth plan! I called Evana panicked and scared. I had 20 minutes before surgery and things were moving fast. I'll never know how she did it, but I'm convinced Evana flew on angel wings to the hospital to be with me. Any woman who's delivered via c-section can relate to the experience being all about the safe delivery of the baby- but through the flurry of doctors and nurses in the operating room focused on my little one Evana stayed focused on me. I'll always remember her gently brushing my hair, telling me what was happening around me, and reminding me everything was okay. Evana never left my side until I was in recovery and reunited with my new healthy and beautiful baby boy.

Evana checked in with us following the birth, came to our home and made us dinner(!), and remained available until she knew I was okay. Evana took care of me during one of the most vulnerable times of my life – she will always have my gratitude and a special place in my heart.

-C Noble

August 13, 2023

a photo from Evana Cooper, BA, CD AMANI

Birth Fee: $1800 to $2400

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $50


Updated 7/21/2024

Birth Fee: $1800 to $2400

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/21/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice