Testimonial for Midwest Doulas- Doulas, Placenta Encapsulation

It's hard to describe the impact that Justine had on my birth experience. She was my biggest cheerleader and my strongest advocate throughout the experience and I would never have felt as in control and empowered during the entire process without her and the birthing class we took with our package. 

My birth experience turned from a low-risk pregnancy to high risk because of blood pressure problems late in the pregnancy which caused me to be induced. The 36 hour induction then turned into an elective c section as it didn't progress as quickly as it should have. Prior to pushing, even though plans changed, because of the 12 hour birthing class (which sounds like a lot, I know) there were zero surprises because every single possibility was discussed during the class. I felt prepared for anything that was thrown at me. And when the induction got hard, and my mental energy was faltering, Justine was there cheering me on like I was running a marathon. Telling me how strong I was, how valued I was, and how in control I was. So even when I didn't think I could do it, she was pushing through that brain fog to keep me going. She also made me feel so incredibly loved, and seeing as we had spoken on a phone just a few times and I was at my most vulnerable, I was blown away that she had just that much impact. 

Then, towards the end of pushing, I made the concrete decision to have a c section due to lack of progress. She checked in to see how I felt about the decision and ended up clearing the entire room to talk with me about those feelings before they rolled me away to the OR. During the C section, she talked me through the entire process as it was happening, held my head when I got ill and held my hand the whole time. 

I could not imagine a better person fit to be my doula and I could not imagine a better doula than Justine. Justine, thank you so much for everything you did for me, my husband and our baby.


July 17, 2023

a photo from Midwest Doulas- Doulas, Placenta Encapsulation

Birth Fee: $2000 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $50


Updated 4/18/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 4/18/2024

Certified doulas
Certified doulas