Testimonial for Michelle L'Esperance

We welcomed our first child aided by the intuitive and experienced guidance of Michelle. My wife and I struggled for years to get pregnant. We had to fight hard and advocate for ourselves constantly during the fertility process. It was exhausting, vulnerable, and painful. This is the main reason having a doula sounded very appealing to us. We wanted someone who would fiercely advocate for us and our wishes. After our first meeting with Michelle we felt we’d be very safe in her  confident and experienced hands. It also comforted us how well known Michelle was by the nurses and midwives at our birthing center. My birthing team worked seamlessly together. I am incredibly grateful to them for helping me to have such a positive experience. Another aspect we wanted our doula to be able to address was our complicated journey to pregnancy. My wife had originally been the one trying to carry and after years of failed attempts and multiple losses we decided to give her a break. Michelle was understanding of these nuances and the multiple truths of being elated to be pregnant and grieving the loss of what we had originally envisioned for growing our family. She helped both of us to grow and thrive in our new roles. There is so much Michelle brought to the table but something in particular I appreciated about her was her innate ability to know exactly when to step forward with suggestions and/or intervention and when to fade back. Her timing was incredibly helpful throughout what was a long labor that went in fits and starts. I also appreciated Michelle’s intuition about me. She predicted I’d need to be on the move to work thought labor and that I’d love pushing. She was correct and provided the proper support and encouragement I needed to be so successful during labor and pushing. Michelle was an integral part of making an experience I thought I never really wanted (pregnancy/birth) into one of the greatest gifts that I have ever received.

-Tricia Chase Porter

July 10, 2023

a photo from Michelle L'Esperance

Michelle L'Esperance

Warm Welcome Birth Services

Birth Fee: $2600

Postpartum Rate: $60 to $100


Updated 7/24/2024

Birth Fee: $2600

Postpartum Rate: $60 to $100


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/24/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice